
Let´s do it.

From a V12 engine. Taking on new challenges.

You are now entering the Kingdom of the Nile and this is not only all water but also the source of your interests and the forces of all inspiration.
These grounds are under survey and construction for a web catch.
Keep at alert and await the final results of the coming exposures.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Put on your glad rags and party!

Draft the party's manifesto! 
Any visiting party will be asked to conform to safety procedures whilst on site. A person or people forming one side in an agreement should suggest a contract between participating parties. But be no party to some very shady deals. Keep it transparent. The aim should be to enjoy oneself at the party or any other kind of a lively gathering, typically when it is alright to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of time.
Because You are worth it.

For such a long time, it was the salutation that they will meet again, — to convey an inference that somehow they will doubtless so meet, sooner or later.
Time for a moment said good bye or farewell and yet time meant welcome to the next year. Because life goes on into another yearlong period - 2016.
So long. I may again return in a year from now. Tomorrow. Remember my words. See you later. Are You coming into the next Year? Oh! Are we there already? 
To You — from the fruits of the jungles.

The newspaper that drops on your doorstep is a partial, hasty, incomplete, inevitably somewhat flawed and inaccurate rendering of some of the things we have heard about in the past twenty-four hours -- distorted, despite our best efforts to eliminate gross bias, by the very process of compression that makes it possible for you to lift it from the doorstep and read it in about an hour. If we labeled the product accurately, then we could immediately add: But it's the best we could do under the circumstances, and we will be back tomorrow with a corrected and updated version.You must have read this before.

If the wise owls made sport of the humans.

Nothing wrong in having success or pleasure derived from an activity such as jogging or walking or play in a lively, energetic way having the balls flying all over. Have heard there is good sport to be had in Phero. A source of amusement or entertainment when a person who behaves in a good or specified way in response to teasing, defeat, or a similarly trying situation and yet to go on, to be called a sport!

Eat and drink what this earth has to offer makes the children of the earth healthy. To feel fit and healthy. With healthy cells to feed on a healthy balanced diet and make a healthy profit at a meet and a healthy competition of a very satisfactory size or amount.

If the wise owls made sport of the humans — they called from all directions. Then came another ace to set up a game, set, and match.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

People have been urged to keep calm and not take the law into their own hands

Some learnings of 2015 about


Law is the system of rules which a particular country or community recognises for regulating the actions of its citizens and members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. As are the laws of a game, a rule defining correct procedure or behaviour in a sport. It is easier to be a law unto oneself and behave in a manner that is not conventional or predictable as there is no law against asserting that one is doing nothing wrong, especially in response to an actual or implied criticism or that breach of a law. However to take the law into one's own hands by punishing someone for an offence according to one's own ideas of justice, especially in an illegal or violent way cannot be accepted by the constitution. A situation characterised by respect for and obedience to the rules of a society, an agreement enforceable by the people, for the people, of the people; unlike the “law of the jungle”, nor that of the religion that corrupts any society. In order to settle a matter, the process of going to law is not as simple as one may imagine. Statements of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present and weighed in the scales of justice. They should stand equal to the quality of being fair and impartial. For that equity of treatment, concerned with fairness and justice, based on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in every sense.