
Let´s do it.

From a V12 engine. Taking on new challenges.

You are now entering the Kingdom of the Nile and this is not only all water but also the source of your interests and the forces of all inspiration.
These grounds are under survey and construction for a web catch.
Keep at alert and await the final results of the coming exposures.

Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 - The Games to Play to Grow and to Mature

. Defining that ULHC is entitled to be limited and to exclude some ventures, distinguishing ULHC from all others, yet being broad enough to allow for creative growth in all fields and directions. Serving as a framework to evaluate current activities and stating clearly its ambitions so that it is known and understood by all, that the ULHC statement ultimately seeks to justify its reason for being and for the actions taken to take it into the future.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Introducing the ULHC Ball Games.

All conflicts begin with a disagreement, with displeasure and murmurs of discontent and if there is no solution to it, it may escalate. First with a silent demonstration, a protest, a strike or an exchange of words and later throwing eyes, lips, avocados, tomatoes, bananas, eggs or harder objects at each other. As the conflict grows into a war the weapons and tactics are made bolder, technically modified, and scientifically advanced. Due to the character of the conflict the strategies and forces are constantly developed to meet the progressive changes and abilities of the opponents capacity.
With such advancement of conflicts the game of Tennis Real has been developed to understand the art and warfare of ballistics (of 'ba'llein' - "throw"), which is the science of mechanics that deals with the flight, behaviour, and effects of projectiles to thrust and pierce targets.
A ballistic body is free to move, behave, and be modified in capacity, capability, appearance, looks, model or form to function in its sorroundings and to bear the forces that exert gaseous pressures in the barrel of the gun as well as the atmospheric effects in any other arrangement. The acceleration of the projectiles is controlled at the initial phase of the flight and the rest is subjected to the classical laws of atmospheric mechanics, forces of gravity and the state of the ground conditions amongst others.
As such the game of Tennis Real illustrates a battle at sea between ships loaded with spherical shots weighing fifteen, thirty and forty pounds each.

Round One:
ballista - "a throwing machine,"
ballistics - "art of throwing; science of projectiles,"
ball - "dancing party," and a "very enjoyable time,"
The original version of the game was played by striking the ball with the palm of the hand, la paulme - "the palm," but to an onlooker the service cry would naturally seem to identify the game. (Tenez, imperative of tenir "to hold, receive, take," which was used as a call from the server to his opponent.)

Step I: Image tennis_1 (Throw and Catch)
Strike - "exchange blows" Wall-to-Wall
Rebound - "to spring, leap," also "return to afflict"
The learnings of Tennis Real may begin with the training of throwing a ball. The players (p0 and p1) standing at each end of the battleground. Each player has to defend his/her base (B0 and B1). The ball thrown by the attacking player, from a position behind his/her base line (B), should land within the opponents base. The opponent must defend his base by catching the ball in flight or may allow it to bounce once in his/her base. Should the ball land outside the opponents base, the opponent scores. Should the defender not catch the ball in flight or after a bounce, the attacker scores. The defender catching the ball should counter attack with a throw taken behind his/her base line (B).
The purpose of training the overhand throw is to advise the players how to use all the coordinating muscles of the body in a rhythm and harmony enabled by the bodys natural locomotive faculties. This training should lead to a realization of how to prepare and carry through the momentum of the serve, like a catapult, in the game of Tennis Real.
The purpose of training the catch is to enable the opponent to focus on the ball and move the body in a natural manner in order to meet the ball at the right moment. It should be allowed to catch the ball with both the hands, however the player should gradually go over to develope the art of catching the ball only with the hand that will hold the racquet in the next phase of exercising the game of Tennis Real.
The purpose of this training is also to explain the fundamental idea of the game of Tennis Real in the attempt to defend on the home ground and to attack on the opponents ground.
When the players show an understanding for these basic movements, the action of the game should be accelerated to allow the players to counter attack immediately after the catch, however disallowing any extra foot steps to gain ground, in the direction of the opponents base, from the position where the defender catches the ball.

Step II: Image tennis_2 (Throw and Catch)
Serve - To serve (someone) right "to treat as he/she deserves" even "to sow with seed,"
Return - "to come back,"
The learnings of the throw advance to practice accuracy in landing the ball in an area smaller than the opponents base. In this case four players (p2, p3, p4 and p5) can exercise at the same time. The player p2, to land his shot in S2, p3 in S3, p4 in S4 and p5 in S5. The throw taken can be underarm or overarm. The opponent, as in Step I, should catch the ball. However, in this exercise, the ball must bounce once before the opponent may catch it with the hand that will hold the racquet in the game of Tennis Real. To increase the intensity, the players standing in the opposite positions of the base line should begin by throwing their balls each at the same time.
The purpose of this training is to increase the players ability to target a smaller area and to react to the opponents throw accordingly. Each throw must be taken from the base line and therefore the players must position themselves to throw or to catch and thus move swiftly in order to be one step ahead of the other.
The rules to score are as under Step I.

Step III: Image tennis_ 3 (Throw and Catch)
Volley - "discharge of a number of guns at once," from notion of hitting the ball in flight.
Save - "to deliver or rescue from peril," or "make safe, secure,"
The learnings of the throw restricted to the opponents height between the waist and the head. The defending player p6 is positioned at the base line while the attacking opponent p7 is positioned behind his/her mid-line. The defending player is restricted to underarm throws and catches (fore-hand and back-hand) while the attacking player is restricted to catching and throwing at the height above the waist line and below the head. The defender must catch the ball in flight or may allow one bounce in the defence Zone "V". The attacker must catch the ball in flight, a bounce is disallowed. The attacking player must land his/her returns in the defenders decimated base "V".
The purpose of this exercise is to allow the players to increase the intensity of the game and at a shorter distance between them.
The player that does not fail to fullfill the requirements of this exercise scores.

Step IV: Image tennis_4 (Throw and Catch)
Smash - "to strike, hit, beat, knock, kill;"
Defend - " resist,"
Resuscitate - "rouse again, revive,"
The learnings of the throw over the head of the attacker. The defending player p8 at the base line while the attacking player p9 behind his/her mid-line. The defending player is restricted to underarm throws and catches (fore-hand and back-hand) while the attacking player must catch the ball in flight above the head and return the ball into the defence zone "Sm". In this exercise the defender may catch the ball in flight or may allow one bounce in the defence zone "Sm". The defender must throw the ball above the attackers the head. However, it must be in the attackers reach. The attacker must catch the ball in flight and above the head, a bounce is disallowed. The attacker must land his returns in the defenders zone, "Sm", with the movement of the arm keeping the ball above the head.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow the players to increase the intensity of the game and at a shorter distance between them.
The player that does not fail to fullfill the requirements of this exercise scores.

Step V: includes Step I, II, III and IV.
Image tennis_5 (Throw and Catch)
The learnings to coordinate all the sequences of exercises in Steps I, II, III and IV on a full scale court.
Step I:
Strike - "exchange blows" Wall-to-wall
Rebound - "to spring, leap," also "return to afflict"
Step II:
Serve - To serve (someone) right "to treat as he/she deserves" even "to sow with seed,"
Return - "to come back,"
Step III:
Volley - "discharge of a number of guns at once," from notion of hitting the ball in flight.
Save - "to deliver or rescue from peril," or "make safe, secure,"
Step IV:
Smash - "to strike, hit, beat, knock, kill;"
Defend - " resist,"
Resuscitate - "rouse again, revive,"

Round Two: Repeat Round One.
Play with a ball using the hand (for chess, pileta, volleyball, beach volley, bowling, ...) or
extend the arm for a variety of court sports with
a racket (for xare, tennis, squash, badminton, ... ) or
a wooden bat (for paleta, cricket, ... ) or
a basket (for jai alai, joka garbi, ... )

Round Three: Repeat Round Two.
Play in teams with a ball using the hands (for rugby, netball, handball, basketball ) or
extend the arm for a variety of field sports to land the ball in the opponents yard or
plot of ground to score with
a foot (for football, ...) or
a stick (for hockey, ...) or
extend the legs for a variety of field sports to land the ball in the opponents yard or
plot of ground to score with
a supplement (for skating, skiing, rolling, riding, ...)

Round Four: Repeat Round Two and Three.
Play with a ball using the hand, the foot, a racket, a bat, a basket, a stick, etc for a variety of court sports or
a variety of field sports to land the ball in the opponents yard or
plot of ground to score.
Develope and modify the sport to a civilised form of social behaviour to understand the dynamic forces of change and balance in human, bovine and beast behaviour.

Round Five: Repeat Round Four.
Find rules and regulations to control the sport and a constitution to administrate the sport/-s in a way to maintain the essence of the game and the art to bring it to life. Develope a structure of the sport and its administration to enable its natural profile in human, bovine and beast mind, persona and behaviour and the ability to thrive as a necessity for the education of the human race and its complementaries.

Tennis Real - Tough
Hockey Classic - Polite
Cricket Sincere - Fine
Netball Clean - Cautious
Rugby Honest - Rough
This basic classification of the ULHC sports is important as it illustrates the fundamental differences in mind, behaviour and culture which is the primary cause to all tension that can arise when an element or set of elements from one sport collide with an element or a set of elements of another sport. Yet, in every society all the sports are represented in a blend of the whole population. However, to achieve the goals and purposes of each sport it has to be exercised strictly within the defined rules and regulations that govern that specific sport separately.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In the World of Day to Day Affairs, not all goes as planned. The Steady-State of Nature is Constantly put to Risk and Provoked by the Homo Sapiens.

Risk Management becomes the Process or Means - Physical, Technical or Human, in the method to Delay, Prevent and Defend against Extrinsic as well as Intrinsic Threats, Stress factors, Defects, Dangers, Losses, Criminals or Organisms and Individuals or Actions that Threaten, Obstruct or Destroy the "Steady-State" of a Body or an Organisation or Deprive its Existential Rights.
Play at UPSALA and find Your Way
Tough, Polite, Fine, Cautious and/or Rough

"dheläh" - tough
Play in the tough challenge of withstanding a combat
endurance, resistance, strength
uthärda, försvaga, avvärja,

"pherånu" - polite
Play in the polite manner of maintaining a culture
formal, gentle, refined, technical,
leda, binda, hålla, säkra, bevaka

"båläh" - fine
Play in the fine style of defending an interest
patience, perseverance, noble
rekognosera, försvara, överraska, understödja
"natjan" - cautious
Play in the cautious method of shifting an asset
mindful, protective, tactical
spana, gruppera, skydda, förflytta,

"hroca" - rough
Play in the rough display of moving a burden
informal, vulgar, leveller, equaliser
stoppa, hindra, anfalla, fälla, röja

For the Good of Health and Welfare
No Love. No Religion. No Crime.
Just Play the Game

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To all intents and purposes

Upon which assurance of your people I will give my general command to all the liason officers and ports of my world to receive all your members, scholors, artists, players, merchants, tourists, or any other as the subjects of my land; that in whatever place they choose to live, they may have free liberty without any restraint; and at whatever port they shall arrive, that neither a foreign command nor any other shall dare to molest their health, peace and quiet; and in whatever village or at whatever adress they shall have residence, I shall command all my players and captains to give them freedom answerable to their own desires; to learn, play, feast, sell, buy, and to take part in their art, way or game or for any other reason at their pleasure.
For confirmation of my good intentions, I desire you to command your members, scholors, players, supporters and merchants or any other to bring all sorts of pleasant conduct, sportsmanship, knowing, games or rarities and goods fit for my world; and that you be pleased to send me your notice of request by every opportunity and that I may salute in your health and prosperous affairs; that our understanding and fair play may be interchanged and kept worthy its cause for the good health, peace and quiet of the worlds.
The Presidency

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Apparent or The Transparent

The concept that the body is composed of cells and cell products soon leads to the realisation that the population of a State of Peoples is composed of individual human beings and the human products suggesting their probable role in communication and fertilisation in order to mature as a whole.

However what is used to indicate the relative levels of the head being superior and the tail being inferior in a body, may not seem obvious in the case of the State of a Nation.