
Let´s do it.

From a V12 engine. Taking on new challenges.

You are now entering the Kingdom of the Nile and this is not only all water but also the source of your interests and the forces of all inspiration.
These grounds are under survey and construction for a web catch.
Keep at alert and await the final results of the coming exposures.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Entrust the VVV ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug for vindication.

The state of being known or of interest to people in general, especially through the media, are the pressures of being constantly in the public eye.  

The primordial foundation of this nation, with the temple grounds of the indigenous peoples, has been suppressed with a malignant growth of the church and a monarchy and after a thousand years, they have significantly developed into the secondary stages of a metastasis of a cancer eradicating the indigenous people. To do their work, the monarchy and the church has to rely on a migration of people that have been uprooted, in other parts of the world, to become the next generations of a pseudo extinction process, for the next thousand years of war according to the christian church and its followers. The primary stages of a malignant growth and obviously the money launderers are the secondary stage of the metastasis to benefit the bankers. Hinduism is as such a way of life established in the caste system, with more than two stages of developed malignant growth. In other words, it becomes inherent from a generation to another. It is not without reason, a malignant growth of cell tissues, is mentioned with a prefix 'meta' before 'stasis', as stasis is a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium, in what is considered and referred to be normal.  The purpose of metalanguages is to create a meta stage for followers. For my Presidential campaign, though, I do not want followers. Because, everyone should have a mind of one's own to develop one's learnings individually, with conversation founded on spontaneity and creativity for the sake of originality, in a process defined as democracy. The community of scientists, in a republic of learning, takes you there with the path entrusted by the ULHC PHERO KSP formula.opposed to religion, which is but a meta-stage of universal deception, illusion and fraud.

A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimised and targeted political messages on people. A decision as to voice, vote and vest in, should not be compromised by money. Since internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence, which will affect the lives of millions. 

The habit and principle of being independent and self-reliant, in social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control, benefits anyone who is self-centred in one's feelings and conduct. Every citizen should have the right to voice, vote and vest in a democracy and stand as a candidate in elections under the same conditions as any other citizen of a state. The one who has the right to voice, vote for and vest in a democracy, is therefore eligible to candidate.

In the circumstances, the intention of the minds temple, to house all the male on one half and all the female on the other, is to establish a fairness of the primitive mind in thought in the order to put the naked truth to bed and confide in common sense. 

Thereof, on the True Path of all Nature, a temple of natures Grant(h), will provide food and water, shelter and education to all the living, despite, race, nationality, rank, religion, creed, etc, etc, day and night. By assuring all the fairness of a primeval brain, it seems that the primitive mind has no reason to trick or dupe an organism, into a false story.

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